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Connect Using Schoology

Do you use Schoology?

You and your students can use Schoology to sign into your magazine website.

To get started, share the one-time setup instructions below with your school's technical administrator. 

If you are a district-level technical administrator, please click here.

(Click here for information on how to sync accounts with Google ClassroomClever, and other learning management systems.)

With Schoology

Register your account.

Go to and sign in using your Scholastic account. If you don't have an account, follow the on-screen instructions to register and enter the access code from your Teacher's Guide.

If you are a school-level technical administrator, you can complete this step using the login information for any teacher in your school.

Select "LTI"

Copy your LTI credentials.

Copy your LTI key, secret, and application launch URL.

Add the Scholastic Digital Manager Application in Schoology.

(Note: this step must be performed by somone with administrator privileges in Schoology. Some teachers may have access, but many will need to contact IT for support, or this step cannot be completed successfully.)

1. In Schoology, select the "App Center" icon at the top of Schoology

click the app center button in Schoology to manage your apps

2. Search for and select "Scholastic Digital Manager"

Scholastic Digital Manager in the Schoology store

3. Select "Install LTI App".

click install LTI app to install the Scholastic Digital Manager app

Follow onscreen prompts to add the app to your organization and to the relevant course(s) and user(s)

click add to organization to add Scholastic Digital Manager to your organization in Schoology

4. Navigate to your "Organization Apps" page. Select "Configure" for Scholastic Digital Manager.

click configure to configure the Scholastic DIgital Manager app in Schoology

Use the LTI secret and key you copied from Scholastic to link the app to your subscription.

add your consumer secret and key to Scholastic Digital Manager app configuration panel in Schoology

For more information on adding an Application in Schoology, click here.

Teachers launch Scholastic Digital Manager and activate subscription(s).

1. Teachers must then launch their course in Schoology and select the Scholastic Digital Manager link in Schoology's course navigation menu.
2. When prompted in SDM, enter grade level and magazine access code, provided by Scholastic.

You're all set!

Students will now only have to remember their Schoology login to access Scholastic.

Once enabled, this will send students directly into your magazine website when they log into your Schoology course.

Updates to your class roster will sync automatically throughout the year.

Questions? We can help!

Reach out, and we will work with your technical administrator to enable integration with Schoology.