Fun Read-Alouds from Scholastic Magazines+
Grades 3-12
Want to celebrate World Read Aloud Day and not sure where to get started? Here are FOUR fun read-alouds from Scholastic Magazines+. These plays and debates give every student the chance to experience the joy of reading to others.

Fun Read-Alouds from Scholastic Magazines+
Grades 3-12
Want to celebrate World Read Aloud Day and not sure where to get started? Here are FOUR fun read-alouds from Scholastic Magazines+. These plays and debates give every student the chance to experience the joy of reading to others.

Fun Read-Alouds from Scholastic Magazines+
Grades 3-12
Want to celebrate World Read Aloud Day and not sure where to get started? Here are FOUR fun read-alouds from Scholastic Magazines+. These plays and debates give every student the chance to experience the joy of reading to others.

Play: I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic
Engage your students with this historical drama where they will identify the causes of the maritime tragedy and its effect on different passengers.
Grade: 3
Source: Storyworks Jr.

Debate: Is TikTok Good for Kids?
Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok with this debate in the classroom.
Grades: 4–6
Source: Storyworks

Play: Frankenstein

Play: I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic
Engage your students with this historical drama where they will identify the causes of the maritime tragedy and its effect on different passengers.
Grade: 3
Source: Storyworks Jr.

Debate: Is TikTok Good for Kids?
Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok with this debate in the classroom.
Grades: 4–6
Source: Storyworks

Play: Frankenstein

Play: I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic
Engage your students with this historical drama where they will identify the causes of the maritime tragedy and its effect on different passengers.
Grade: 3
Source: Storyworks Jr.

Debate: Is TikTok Good for Kids?
Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok with this debate in the classroom.
Grades: 4–6
Source: Storyworks

Play: Frankenstein