The Rest of the Year Is on Us
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Turn Amazing Stories into Extraordinary Lessons
It's already done for you! Ready-to-go teaching kits come with every story for instant, high-interest lessons. Check out our comprehensive suite of multimedia teaching resources that elevate instruction.
Exciting Stories
Share age-appropriate texts on any device. Listen to read-aloud audio.
Videos and Slideshows
Build background knowledge and vocabulary. Plus: hands-on in action!
Hands-on Investigations
Put STEM into practice with simple investigations and design challenges.
Engaging Activities
Grow STEM and ELA skills with activity sheets and assessments.
Meet Your Academic Standards
Raise student achievement by aligning lessons to instructional goals. With built-in correlations to state and national standards, as well as the Science of Reading, you'll stay on track all year.
Build Essential Skills
Help every student succeed through motivating skills practice leading to grade-level mastery. With activity pages, writing prompts, and more, our multidisciplinary approach builds skills in:
Social Studies
Reach Every Learner with Differentiation
Meet students where they are—and take them where they need to be. Use multiple reading levels, a text-to-speech audio feature, closed-captioned videos, assessments, and more. Differentiate with a click!
Real Teachers. Real Success.
See how subscribers are using #SuperSTEM to create excitement in their classrooms.