9. Immigration: Who Gets to Be an American?

Major Concepts

•  Most people in the United States are either immigrants or descended from immigrants.

•  Since Europeans began arriving in the Americas centuries ago, there has been almost constant debate over who should be allowed to immigrate to the United States.

•  Different time periods have seen bursts of immigration from different parts of the world. Today, America is home to people from across the globe.

Discussion Topics

1. Do you think immigrants are treated fairly in America today? Why or why not?

2. Why do you think immigration is such a controversial issue today? What are the arguments for and against allowing more immigrants to come to the United States?

3. Should some people get special priority to immigrate? For example, should the government consider a person’s skills, education, or background when deciding whether to let them immigrate? Should immigrants be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis? Should preference be given to people who already have family members in the U.S.?

4. Some people immigrate to the United States illegally, but once they’re here, most pay taxes, participate in the economy, and play valuable roles in their communities. And if they have children here, the children are automatically American citizens, regardless of their parents’ status.  Do you think it’s right or wise to force such people out of the country because they came here illegally?  Why or why not?

Activity: Immigration History

Ask students to research an immigrant group that came to the United States.

Where did they come from? When did they arrive in the United States, and where did they settle? Why did they leave their homelands? What difficulties did they face in the United States? How many Americans today are descended from this group?

Each student should prepare a short presentation explaining what they’ve learned.

What similarities are there among the different groups that immigrated to America? What differences are there?


Immigration Nation

The history of immigration in America.

Coming to America: What Is a Refugee?

The dangerous journeys many refugees take to come to the United States.

The Border Wall

A video about the U.S.-Mexico border and barriers the U.S. has built, or plans to build.

Immigration and Detention at Age 14

The experiences of a teen who came to the U.S. at age 14, seeking asylum.

Skills Library

Summarizing 101
Learn how to write an objective summary of an article.

Close Reading Checklist
Learn how to closely read an informational text.

Analyzing Authors' Claims
Evaluate the arguments presented in an article.

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